September 2020


college life after coronavirus
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, our lives have taken a sudden turn. Though time passes by, our lives seem to be still. The changes have been witnessed by almost everyone. Be it school-going kids, university students, professionals or freelancers each one of them has been a part of it. But, colleges and university-going students...
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mechanical engineering colleges in hyderabad
Engineering courses surely don’t seem to go downhill no matter what the circumstances are. Around 11 lakh students annually appear for the IIT-JEE exams and out of the 2 lahks sit for the advanced examination. This data pretty much says how many students are willing to take up Engineering Courses every year and struggling to...
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Reopening of Engineering Colleges
Colleges all around the country have been abruptly shut since mid-March 2020 and since then students have been anticipating various dates as to when and how will the colleges reopen. Students who were studying in colleges far away were asked to go back to their respective states and now the uncertainty has them thinking about...
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Importance of AI Degree in the 21st Century
There is absolutely no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is going to be the next big thing in the upcoming centuries. The advancement of technology and artificial intelligence has made the life of humans more comfortable and satisfactory. Definition of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence contrasts with natural intelligence. Artificial Intelligence includes reasoning, Machine Intelligence, and self-correction....
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