April 2022


process engineering
As a student of top engineering colleges in Hyderabad, you must be aware of the latest process engineering and design trends. It will help you plan your college projects accordingly or choose a career related to these upcoming technology trends. So, let’s look at the top 10 process engineering and design trends of 2023 that...
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Basketball skills every player should be working on
Cricket may be the most followed game in India, but basketball is not far behind and has gained a decent following in recent years. Among all the major cities of India, Hyderabad supports a lot of sports like football, tennis, basketball, etc., along with cricket. So, if you are interested in playing basketball at the...
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AI and Machine Learning
As technology advances, our lives improve. Natural language processing, Deep learning, and computer vision are prime examples of technologies that have emerged due to Data Science’s growth as a field of research and practical application over the last few decades. It has encouraged the development of machine learning (ML) as a vessel for achieving artificial...
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12 crucial soft skills for the workplace
Technical skills and certifications are highly valued in the industry. But soft skills are equally if not more important than technical skills to your career’s progression. Soft skills are the personal attributes that an individual either has built in or develops through training. Communication skills, personality, time management, creativity, and adaptability are essential soft skills...
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