9 Job Portals To Help You Land A Data Science Job

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Job Portals to help you land a science job

A field of interdisciplinary science utilizes programming codes and algorithms to ‘mine’ information and analytics from disorderly and unorganized data; this is precise what data science is all about. The disciplines combined within data science are statistics, mathematics, computer science, information science, data extraction, and machine learning.

Data science encompasses three realms; the collection of data, structuring of said data, and its meticulous analysis using codes. As any professor from any one of the Data Science Colleges in Hyderabad will undoubtedly tell you, some of the techniques widely used in data science are:-

  • Regression– It is a statistical method in which a scalar value is graphically plotted against an independent variable. From the graph, certain predictions can be extrapolated and predicted.
  • Decision tree A statistical method in which a tree-like branching pattern is used to display algorithms that predict consequences and all probable possibilities.
  • Support Vector Machines – They are tools that help evolve machines by using monitoring models and algorithms to analyze data.
  • Clustering – It is a statistical procedure in which similar data are grouped and classified.
  • Bayes’ theorem – It is also known as posterior probability. If you have previous knowledge of an event, you can predict a probability based on your preliminary information.

 A list of careers that are suitable for students of Data Science:

Certain careers related to data science as advised by the staff members of the chief Data Science Colleges in Hyderabad are as follows:-

  • Architect of data
  • Engineer of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Analyst of data
  • Architect of data infrastructure and data systems
  • Code designer
  • Data scientist
  • Architect of embedded systems
  • Architect of enterprises dealing with data

Also read: B. Tech CSE with Data Science Specialization at Vignan College

9 Job portals to aid Data Science students after the shutdown of GitHub:

  1. Machine Hack – It is an online community or a platform where young enthusiasts specializing in machine learning and artificial intelligence can discuss, compete with their fellows, and thus realize their scopes and erudition. Machine Hack also hires students from all over the nation, including graduates from the best colleges for B. Tech. in Hyderabad. ‘Hackathons’ or contests are conducted by Machine Hack in which students are asked to craft software and websites within a set period, resulting in the creation of an intensive product that functions well.
  2. LinkedIn – It is a corporation that provides employment services to people all over the world. One needs to create a profile on LinkedIn and upload their curriculum vitae and post information on paid tasks and jobs. It is a social networking platform where one can virtually interact to share knowledge about jobs, recruitments and write articles related to recent spikes in certain fields. One can land several interviews if they have profiles on LinkedIn.
  3. Monster – It is a worldwide website that aids in employment and recruitment. It is a fairly decent site that helps students bag their ideal jobs based on their biodata on the web page. Unlike LinkedIn, Monster is a search engine for careers. It is a platform where legitimate jobs are posted for perusal by interested candidates. However, Monster has some issues. Its track record is not entirely clear, with the jobs posted on its page are not fresh and extensive. There are better sites out there for job seekers.
  4. Machine Learning Conference Job Board – t is an online platform for those interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence. People can post blogs about jobs related to machine learning. Experts are allowed to interact with graduates regarding careers in these fields. There are newsletters published within this community, and workshops are often organized for students to participate and show their support to the machine learning discipline. Recruiters and guest speakers can also interview one.
  5. Y Combinator – Its primary task is to provide monetary backing to companies at their infantile stage, provided their work is grand enough to pique their interest. YC is an investor. They fund companies that require start-up capital. Their investments are not huge, but they give just the right amount of push needed to help companies cross the threshold to build something splendid.
  6. Indeed– It is a website that lists millions of jobs that help seekers of careers. Having the highest amount of traffic, this employment engine allows one to upload CVs and come into contact with interviewers and recruiters. It also displays the latest trends in careers, letting job seekers know exactly what to expect in their quest.
  7. Stack Overflow – It is an interactive website for coders and computer programmers. It has a board that lists all sorts of jobs offered by software and technology-related companies. Data engineers have benefitted from this employment search engine, and graduates of computer science, pass-outs from the best colleges for B. Tech. in Hyderabad included, have found a career in data science.
  8. Angel List – It is a funding website for investors. It offers a small amount of capital to begin a venture. New talents are sought and then introduced to companies. Akin to LinkedIn, people create profiles on Angel List to search for start-up careers Angel List has invested in.
  9. Data Jobs – It is a website that lists careers for students of Data Science, some of them being Analysis Manager, Statistical Analyst, Analyst of Businesses. It also lists the cities in which data engineers and scientists are highly sought after. A platform in which interested parties pursue job openings, this website recruits and promote rising talents.


With the rapidly escalating realm of what is termed as ‘Big Data’, these job portals are of great importance. The world of technology needs more and more people who can handle massive amounts of data and analyze them, drawing clear inferences. These search engines are vital for those who have selected Data Science as their true calling.

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