Electrical Engineering: The Ever-Ameliorating Field

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Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering is one of the prominent branches of the Engineering world. This field is under constant striving for the betterment of humanity. Scientists and Electrical Engineers worldwide have made some tremendous contributions that are not only beneficial to mankind but are also empowering.

Many engineering colleges across India, like the EEE college in Telangana, Karnataka, etc., have started different programs, seminars, and projects to inculcate the habit of research and innovation in undergraduates.

This way, students in this EEE field can be familiarized with different ever-upgrading trends and create opportunities for themselves. And many start-ups and firms are offering internships to students of different EEE colleges like EEE College in Hyderabad, etc., to improve technical and professional skills.

  • Smart Grids

In the past, we used to rely solely on the local electric power supply, but things have changed in the recent past, and now we can generate our power. Some consumers also want to sell their surplus, so the Energy Departments started placing smart devices throughout their network. This smart grid helps collect valuable data, allowing both consumers and suppliers to gain a higher level of control over different power sources. Another advantage is that Smart Grid helps to predict surges in usage and foretell outages. The list of advantages doesn’t end here; it is also efficient and friendly on the pocket.

  • Wireless Transfer Of Power

This method of transmission allows power to be transferred over distances through the air, granite, and even wood. And yet, this is about to improve further in the coming years and promises some mind-blowing advancements.

Also Read: How Engineering Impacts Every Part of Life

  • Wearable Devices

Electronic devices that can be worn have been prevalent among electronic gadgets. The most preferred among them are Fitbit, Apple Watches, Samsung Smartwatches, etc. This is because they have the latest technology and help with checking one’s health and many such incidents where these watches have detected anomalies in the body’s physiology, thus saving many lives. A notable example is the Proxxi bracelets for electrical engineering with different sensors that vibrate if they get near high-voltage electricity. Moreover, these electrical devices are designed to substantiate access to electrical machinery, improve communications, and of course promote health.

  • Artificial Intelligence

This field has its footprints in all aspects of my career, be it medicine, military, or electrical engineering. AI aids in better performance in the task, and electrical engineers combined with AI, blending their prowess and skills, the contribution increases 10-fold. For example, AI helps Electrical Engineers with image processing; it helps create complex algorithms for different data interpretations. Most importantly, AI helps improve workplace security.

  • Energy Storage And Efficient Batteries

The best examples of sustainable energy resources are wind and solar power, which are not always available. Therefore, consumers have to find other means to store energy from renewable sources for future usage. To amplify this, electrical engineers at any EEE college in Telangana continuously create better, more efficient batteries that store energy without much drainage.

  • Robotics

Robots are one of the best human innovations; their contributions to the electrical engineering field are no exception. Robots can tremendously enhance working conditions, and safety risks, and be time-efficient, undoubtedly a notable trend in this field. One of the efficient uses of robots is the implementation of drones, which have been an essential tool in many fields. Drones help in surveying the situation and thereby notify the person of concern if necessary and thus help in avoiding significant damages.

  • Augmented Reality

It is a spectacular technology that overlays images, videos, and other textual information onto real life, bridging the digital and the physical world. For example, the headsets can overlay critical information for engineers’ use in their present working environment. Furthermore, AR can improve the overall working environment by providing real-time data and improving efficiency by speeding up tasks.

  • Energy-saving lighting technologies

The credits for the LED bulbs becoming the standard light bulbs go to Electrical Engineers. However, their energy-efficient and pocket-friendly characteristics are being utilized in most households, and the graph is only expected to increase.

  • The Internet Of Things (IoT)

IoT devices include smart inverters, smart grids, smart lighting, visible lighting communication, and many more. As a result, IoT is now a very integral form of the Electrical Engineering spectrum.

  • Encouraging  The Use Of Sustainable Energy

The drive for making use of sustainable energy resources is at its highest. Therefore, implementing renewable sources such as solar power, wind energy, and hydropower for different activities is recommended.

  • Computerized Client Relationship And Project Management

Since the development of software where electrical engineers can organize tedious paperwork tasks like scheduling and billing and keep a track of customer interactions. This has tremendously helped the engineers by being time efficient.

  • Electrical Vehicles

Considering the current situation regarding the transportation and consumption of fuel for the same, it’s high time we make progress in enhancing the capacity of Electrical vehicles. Experts have predicted that there would be over 125 million EVs on the road within a decade as many EV manufacturing units are investing hard into the technology, better batteries, solar-powered EVs, etc.

  • Prefabricated Products

Although this is debatable, most encourage prefabricated and pre-assembled products because they think that prefab products increase overall safety and efficiency and eventually compensate for the industry’s labour shortage.

These are some of the notable trends in the field of electrical engineering. These trends are getting influential as the day passes and it is still in need of constant betterment. So many engineering institutions, like the EEE college in Telangana, have started different programs, seminars and projects and have been encouraging students to be innovative.

Even start-ups have been offering paid-internships to students of different EEE colleges like EEE College in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune etc. to improve technical and professional skills and contribute to the best of their ability in this vast field.

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