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Staying Motivated while pursuing your B.Tech course

During the full course of a B.Tech Career, life can become difficult. With a huge syllabus and frequent projects, a person can easily lose his or her way and just give up. There have been countless examples of people who have just given up when thrown under pressure.

However, if you want to succeed, you need to know how to stay motivated while studying B.Tech courses. This article has a few tips that will show you how to stay motivated.

1.Divide the Syllabus into Small Parts:  A B.Tech career can be quite daunting due to the huge syllabus that is covered every semester. Students usually have to go through six different courses every semester and that is without the practical. Apart from the practical, there are end-term projects and assignments too. All of these factors combined can put a lot of pressure on the students.

A good practice is to not look at the syllabus as a whole. Instead, the syllabus should be divided into smaller chunks that can be completed one by one. Completing each chunk will give you a sense of achievement and this sense of achievement will motivate you to finish the next chunk too. With time, these smaller chunks combine and before you know it, the whole syllabus is covered. This is known as the divide and conquer method.

2. Celebrate Small Achievements: A lot of times, we are so engrossed in the bigger picture that we forget the smaller moments that make the journey worth it. It is very important to celebrate the smaller achievements that take you to your larger goal.

If you’re lucky enough to get into a Top BTech College in Hyderabad, the happiness from this achievement should be enough to last you your first semester. Being praised by a teacher or by a fellow student, getting good grades in one of the subjects, and finishing a difficult assignment before the deadline, are some of the smaller achievements. These achievements need to be cherished and celebrated so you don’t lose motivation in the journey of your Btech career.

3. Spending Time With Family and Friends: All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. This is a well-known phrase. It is a good idea to take life a little less seriously and just enjoy it by spending some time with family and friends.

4. Learn From Failure Rather than Feeling Guilty: A lot of people complain about their B.Tech Admissions. Such people tend to feel guilty instead of learning from their failures. It is important to learn from your failures and feel guilty. If you don’t you’ll go down a spiral and get demotivated and eventually meet despair at the bottom. So it’s better to look at the positive side and learn from all the mistakes you’ve made.

Staying motivated is more than just about your dedication to the subjects. It is a skill that needs to be honed by practising the above-mentioned and several other tips regularly. And once you have a fairly constant level of motivation, engineering will become a breeze.

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