Top Skills You Need To Crack Campus Placement Interviews

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Crack Campus Placement Interviews

Campus placement interviews are something that one aspires to crack right from the start of their college life to the right till its end. Through campus placement, one wishes to get into their desired companies right after they get the degree, but, in reality, it is tough for every student to be placed via campus placement interviews as there is a lot of competition and a quite limited number of vacancies. Therefore, the importance of good skills is amplified to crack the campus placement interviews so as to look a step ahead of other applicants. Knowing some of the tips for campus placement interviews helps boost morale and be better prepared as well. 

Vignan Institute of Technology and Science in Hyderabad is considered as one of the best campus placement colleges in Hyderabad, and some of the skills they ask their students to prioritize while preparing for campus interviews are:

  • Technical skills: The knowledge of technical skills is very important as the recruiter firstly evaluates the basic knowledge of the field in which the student pursued his/her graduation. Although technical skills vary from field to field, the questions asked are usually the basics that one needs to know in their respective fields.
  • Communication skills: Communication skills are the next important aspect that the recruiters evaluate. Communication skills don’t just mean verbal and writing skills. It also includes the applicant’s etiquette and mannerisms, including how to take a pause, the right choice of words, listening effectively, etc. The best ways to improve communication skills are through joining courses meant for it, practicing communication with friends when working on assignments or projects together, etc. 
  • CV: The Curriculum Vitae is a very important aspect of evaluation for the recruiters. The CV is expected to be prepared very seriously by the job applicants, as the CV is the representation of the applicant himself. The CV consists of personal data, career objectives, academic qualifications, co-curricular activities, etc. A good CV is meant to create a good impression on the recruiters so as to create an edge over other applicants. The best placement colleges in Hyderabad give CVs the highest order of priority, thus stating their importance.
  • Problem-solving skills: The recruiters assess problem-solving skills in the campus placement interviews to have an idea of whether the applicant would be able to handle the day-to-day problems in their respective companies. The best way to assess problem-solving skills is through giving questions regarding situation handling. The best way to improve problem-solving skills is to understand the concept of situation handling and keep a wide perspective to find different solutions to one problem.
  • Leadership skills: Leadership skills are also required to crack campus interviews as the recruiters in those interviews are looking to hire an applicant with a long term prospectus in mind, and in doing so, they are looking for staff that would, with time, climb up the ladders in the organization and that’s when their leadership skills would come of use. It is well said that “A person is not a leader by birth; leaders are made through hardships,” this potential is what the recruiters seek in an applicant. The first step towards becoming a leader would be participating in discussions and providing their views, rather than keeping one’s idea to themselves.
  • Honesty: The recruiters want that their potential employees are honest in their interviews as it matters a lot once they are a part of the organization. Thus, companies look for candidates who are honest and have integrity in the campus placement interviews.
  • Willingness to learn: Willingness to learn is something, which recruiters seek in their candidates, as it showcases the level of interest the candidate has in learning new things, thus stating that they can always improve their skill set and be an asset to the organization. This is something that can’t be forced; it is something that varies from person to person. The willingness to learn is judged in a candidate by inquiring about what all and the curriculum he/she has learned during their course tenure. For example- A chemical engineer could learn coding or photoshop or even video editing in their free time, and this would help them get an edge over other candidates in the interviews as by doing so, not only they have to utilize their free time for something productive and gaining new skills, they have also impressed the interviewers by showing their time management skills and willingness to learn new things.

Campus placements are no doubt tough to crack, especially in these times of the Covid-19 pandemic, where limited companies are hiring, but with the right preparation, one can surely get into desired companies; the biggest key to cracking these campus placement interviews is confidence and self-belief. Without these 2 things, things get very difficult, as if one isn’t sure of their capabilities, why should the recruiters have faith in them? These tips for placement interviews to prepare the right skills and create a good impression on the recruiters are the so-called ‘Ram Baan,’ which the Vignan Institute of Technology and Science tries to inculcate in its students. This culture, in turn, has helped them become one of the best placement colleges in Hyderabad. For information regarding admissions in Vignan Institute of Technology and Science or any other enquiry, call 9866399776 or email at

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